DISORDER A disorder could be defined as a set of problems, which bring about causing significant trouble, distress, impairment, and/or suffering in an individual's everyday life. Personality disorders (PD) are a gathering of psychiatric conditions portrayed by experience and behavior designs that cause difficult issues as for any of the following: thinking, mood, personal relations, and the control of impulses. Most personality disorders are related to issues in personal development and character which top during youth and are then defined as personality disorders. Children and adolescents with a personality disorder have incredible trouble dealing with others. Medical disorders can be categorized into the following:

  • Mental Disorders,
  • Physical Disorders,
  • Genetic Disorders,
  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, and
  • Functional Disorders
Some characteristics of an individual's personality are inherited, and some are shaped by life events and experiences. A personality disorder can develop if certain personality characteristics become excessively rigid and inflexible. People with personality disorders have patterns of thinking and acting that vary from what society considers usual. The inflexibility of their personality can cause great distress and can interfere with numerous everyday issues, including social and work functioning. People with personality disorders for the most part likewise have poor coping abilities and trouble forming sound relationships. Causes of personality disorders Personality disorders are among the least understood and perceived mental disorders. It is accepted that both hereditary qualities and environment play a role in the development of personality disorders. Certain personality disorders appear to be linked to a family history of mental ailment, for example, people with antisocial personality disorder are more liable to have family members who additionally have personality disorders, and a family history of depression may be a risk factor for personality disorder or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Personality disorder often can be determined by assessing the individual's personality work in certain zones, including:
  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Feelings/emotions
  • Self-identity
  • Awareness of reality
  • Behavior and impulse control